How can I multiply the current scale of an object?

I have a very basic question. I’m working with blueprints and I want to know how can I scale an object based on current scale. In the picture below, first cube’s scale is 1.0x and the other one’s is 1.5x. For example I have a scaling float sth like 0.4 and I want to apply this on these two cube’s scale. If I set world scale 3d of them, current scale changes to any number I set as you might think (same for them). How can I save current scale as a variable and multiply with any number or use that scale in any equation to change its scale?

Obviously you could write some blueprint or a utility widget, but maybe you don’t know that you can put formulas in the scale and location boxes. So, you can say


If I type in the boxes, I can’t save or refer to that scale. As I mention in the question, I want to save that scale to variable or sth then multiply or use in other equations.

Then you need a utility

Thanks for the video. But I want to be clear, For example when I press a button, the object’s scale which I am looking should be multiply or divided by a number or sth. Everything should be solved in blueprint section. I don’t want to touch anything to change its scale. It should be changed in play editor when certain things happened.

Within the blueprint. If you have a reference to the object there should be the option to set scale under transformation.

When I am looking at the transformation section under “scale” search, I found “get world scale” and it’s giving exactly the coordinates scale of the object. Thank you guys.