How can I move a single component inside a blueprint, without moving the whole thing?

I’m trying to move a static mesh inside my Blueprint, without moving the transformation nodes of every variable in my Blueprint.

I’m trying to construct a modifiable bezier curve (using 4 different control points), and have a my static mesh trace the curve. I’ve fairly new to the blueprint system, and everything I’ve setup to move the static mesh component, seems to move the entire blueprint system (including all of the control points, which messes everything up)

I’m sorry I can’t post my current Blueprint (I’m at work right now, but I just can’t get this off my mind.)

Am I missing something stupid?

If you already trying to use nodes Set Relative Location, you may want to deattach other components from components you want to move. I know blueprints have same issues to set transfromation of root component so best is to make component to move to not be root component

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That could definitely be what is causing the issue, as I only have the single component attached.
