Hey, I’m currently trying to make a small game using the Rolling Ball example.
I want to have my character “The ball” be able to dash in a linear movement like the following clip:
I’ve tried the following: Adding an X/Y only impulse to the Actor whilst disabling gravity, then re-enabling gravity on the actor once the small dash has finished.
This doesn’t nearly work so well, the velocity of the movement is too quick and doesn’t feel right.
Any help or someone who could point me towards a method/node would be much appreciated.
Have you looked at any of the other physics properties of your ball? Mainly it’s mass and any linear/angular dampening. If you velocity is too quick, then you are either adding to much impulse, so reduce that, or your ball is too light, so the impulse adding will in turn add more momentum.
fire an event with timeline, create a linear function in the timeline for float values 0-1 and connect that as an alpha to “Lerp Vector” node. the A and B input pins of the lerp will be the initial location and the desired location respectively.
feed the result of the lerp to “set actor location”. this way you linearily set the actor location between the start and end location.
i don’t have an engine opened now. tell me if you struggle with understanding this text and i will try to make a screenshot when possible. good luck :]
, if you are using the Character movement component… you might consider the Jump node or switching your character’s movement mode to Flying. Just be aware that activating the Jump node will automatically change your character’s movement mode to Falling… which would need a little adjusting for your use case.