How Can I Modify grip movement in VR Scouting/ VR Editing mode?
I would prefer it to be more like in Gravity Scetch:
- when you grip you can both drag and rotate the world without any constraints (currently you can only drag)
- when you grip with both hands you can scale, rotate and drag world (currently you canonly scale and rotate only around Z, and there is a limit to scaling)
Cant figure out where is the appropriate place to modify this functionality. I’ve found the
VirtualScoutingInteractor and VirtualScoutingTeleporter
I suspect that the Interactor holds the grip functions, but have no idea how to modify them
There are also VRTool’s but im not sure if they can alter this behaviour.
In fact it would be great to know if and how you can override the VRSouting mode to act similar to the VRPawn you use in VR games, where you could modify all the controller functions instead.