Hopefully I don’t get confusing, which is likely… Bare with me please.
So, I’m using the TopDown Template. I changed the movement to WASD and I made it so my character always looks in the directions of my mouse. I have added a Sprint/Stamina system, along with a crouch system.
I made a Animation Blend Space for Standing movement, and a separate one for crouching. I put the standing Blend space in the “ABP_Manny” BP, which I believe is the issue?
Before I added animation for my standing movement based on direction of movement. The Character would be standing, and would move, then it would Crouch and be able to move while still doing crouch animation. But once I added all direction movement for standing, I can’t get my character to crouch anymore, or do it’s animations. It looks like he can still crouch but the model does not do the animations.
Could it be that I have to many things doing animations, IE, when I implemented a crouch, that animation worked but it always looked like he was moving forward.
What is the proper way to do this?