How can I map sounds to specific speakers?

Hi there,

I would like to programmatically map sounds sources to specific speakers depending on where they come from. I would like to have full control over how this is done and use many speakers (e.g. 64).
The end goal ist to use VBAP but I can’t figure out at what place to start where I should implement this.

Is this possible with a custom Spatializer or do I build some kind of Submix?

Thank you very much!

Hi! There several approaches. I think that if you want full control, you can take a look at several classes

  1. UEngine

It’s just instance of Unreal Engine that will be used. It has FAudioDeviceManager

  1. FAudioDeviceManager (FAudioDeviceManager | Unreal Engine Documentation)

This thing is managing all classes that represent audio devices, so with it you can manage different classes that engine can use to play SFX. So then you want

  1. FAudioDevice (FAudioDevice | Unreal Engine Documentation)

FAudioDevice is class that used for playing SFX (2D and spatial). You can create new child class of it and implement the logic that you need. After that, you should replace default FAudioDevice used by UEngine with the help of FAudioDeviceManager

PS. I dont know, if you problem can be solved with Sound Mixes ( and Mixers ( only, so you can begin with this two references and only if that will not work use steps 0)-2)… ^^