How can I map locations onto globe just after I choose location checkboxes?

I intend to choose one or more location checkboxes I established in order to map locations I’ve chosen onto the globe I established in UE5. How can I solve it? Could someone give me some guidance?

I can’t really tell what you want exactly, could you clarify?

Are you trying to get a point on a sphere and place an interactable button there?
It would also help if you could clarify your intentions.

Yes, that’s what I mean. I wanna get point(s) on a sphere according to my location checkboxes.

Well if the checkboxes are already spawned and the checkboxes are on the sphere… you already have the location. This is why I asked you to clarify.

If you’re looking for where the point is relative to the sphere and the sphere only, you can get the rotation that points from the center towards the point using the Find Look at Rotation node:

But I have checkboxes on a menu Which is separate from sphere