How can I make velocity relative to the player after setting transform

I have an ability that allows the player to teleport to a position they were standing earlier, including the direction they were facing (make transform, then set the transform, very simple). The player needs to be able to use this ability while jumping/boosting forward, and it needs to convert the velocity to the saved locations forward instead of the same direction according to world space.


I’m having a hard time explaining properly, maybe this will clarify it. Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Sounds like a job for move component to, or set transform

I’m not sure I fully understand the problem but you can get the velocity of the actor at any point.

Also you can transform it easily from world to local space and vice versa.
(read carefully the description of the nodes)

Then you can set that velocity to your movement component. (after transforming it maybe)

Hope it helps.