How can i make variables public to other blueprints but not shown in the details ?

How can i make variables public to other blueprints but not shown in the details panel ?

I need the client to see only what he needs so he wont get confused or messing with stuff he should’t .

Also, if i extend the blueprint to a new one because i need some of it’s functionality, I wanna be able to make all those parent variables hidden in the details panel.

I think variable is default to be public, you can just check off Editable and it will not show up in level editor.
You can still set them in blueprint editor to set the defaults.

And can i access them from other blueprints as well ? even if they are not marked as editable ?

I am pretty sure you can access non-public variables from another blueprint.
Even if you cant, you can always write up a quick function that returns whatever value a variable has.

I see, but it still messing things up to make functions to any variable i want to access…