How can I make texture to move in specific direction?

Good day. I want to create rain shader for character so I’m using panner node to move water on character’s skin. Character has seams on it, so water can flow down on face, but flow up on hands at the same time. Can I somehow make it flow to the ground (down) everywhere?

You would need to project the UVs onto the model from outside, possibly like this

But, I think this might look funny when the model moves. Also possible to compensate for, but I have no idea how :smiley:

Or, you could unwrap the mesh, so all the UVs are facing the same way.

Well, I know this channel, but I don’t understand how to use information from this video. I don’t even understand what’s this guy is talking about :frowning:

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Welcome to the club :rofl:

I knew it! I KNEW IT! It’s not only me, who can’t even understand anything in his videos…

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After some time I’m pretty sure I should use VertexNormalWS node. With it I can get bottom part of every object, but I don’t know how to properly connect it to panner to make drops fall down.

I know roughly where he’s going, but he could take some more time to explain things he think are obvious, for us lesser mortals… :sunglasses:

Here is a simple starting point for a texture that always moves down in world space. You’ll probably want to do some extra things like masking off the effect on surfaces that aren’t very sloped because it can look quite weird or broken on flat or low slope surfaces.

Thank you very much! It’s good direction for my search.

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