How can I make text clickable?

Hi -

I’m working on a main menu for my game and I’m trying to figure out how to create an onClick event for text - if it’s even possible.

In this particular instance I do not want to use buttons.

My set up is that I have a Interface Widget Blueprint containing a ScrollBox with text items.

Those text items should be clickable and upon interaction do something else in the menu.

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you’ve to create a button and set it’s background opacity to 0
then create a text on it.
then only text will appear in you menu, and then u will be allowed to add onClick event

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Awesome! Of course, so simple. Thanks!

you are welcome :slight_smile:

hmm - however buttons cannot be embedded into ScrollBox it seems. I get an error that the Widget can’t have children.

I don’t know if I got your point or not, however if you’re planning to make a scrollbox that contain buttons , it’s very simple to do it

create a verticalBox, drag on it a scrollbox, then drag and drop any number of Buttons you need on the “scrollbox” as shown in the picture, then you will be able to scroll it on the game and do whatever you want

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Awesome - thanks again.

For some reason when I did it with my existing scrollbox it gave me an error because it already contained a bunch of text elements.

I just re-created the scrollbox now and added a button right away and it worked.

I’m happy that I helped you ,
widget somehow are tricky at the beginning.

best of luck :slight_smile: