How can I make sure UMG UI elements show up correctly on 16:10 and 16:9 monitors?

I just tried placing UI elements on 16:10, then when I switched to 16:9 resolution they didn’t appear correctly.

How can I make sure UMG UI elements show up correctly on 16:10 and 16:9 monitors? Is there an automatic feature by any chance that just resizes to any resolution perfectly?

Do I need two UMG UI blueprints? One for 16:10 and one for 16:9?

This is a tricky one. Took me a while to find a solution for this one on our own project.
Definitely don’t do two Widget Blueprints, it would be very annoying to maintain them.

First thing you should do is define a custom dpi scaling rule for your needs (project settings).
For us this wasn’t enough and we fixed the 16:10 / 16:9 by avoiding anchor points that stretch your widget vertically.

You could also bruteforce your widget aspect ratio with size- and scale boxes, not the right/correct/elegant way, but gets the job done.