How can I make Slenderman-like Movement?

Good day/afternoon/night. Long story short, I’ve been viewing tutorials, yet I cannot seem to find an answer to something like this. Here are two screencaps of the blueprint.
![Captura de pantalla (328)|666x500]

I essentially want to replace the AI MoveTo with a slight teleporting-like movement, akin to the one achieved by Slenderman or Baldi’s Basics where it teleports a set distance towards the player between the intervals in Min Idle AI and Max Idle AI, how can I do it? I’m still kinda new to UE, and I’ll gladly take any direction you guys can give me on how to do it.

By that, if you mean you want the AI character to move so fast that it kinda resembles teleportation, you can simply get the AI character’s movement component, drag a “Set Max Walk Speed” node out of it and set it to a big number.

Though if you want a literal teleportation, you can just use the “Set World Location” node :blush: In that case, I could recommend you to use timers or vinterp nodes to still slightly be able to see the character coming but honestly I think using effects for that illusion would look much cooler.

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This could work. Though I think I’d have to set a maxDistance for movement which is far smaller than the Acceptance Radius, so as to not make it suddenly appear on top of the Player and insta-kill him the moment the Player gets spotted.

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