How can i make player character die?

Iam in troubles cuz iam not sure how to make player die when health is 0? I have followed tutoria in yt (UMG UI Inventory: Project Overview | 01 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube) and now when my health is 0 player won’t die :confused: what should i do?

Hey -

Where in the tutorial series did you run into an issue? Were you working on this tutorial inside another project? The linked tutorial is for building an inventory and does not focus on character behavior. Please provide additional information about the problem you’re experiencing.

oh wrong link :stuck_out_tongue: i re link it tomorrow :slight_smile:

Inventory UI with UMG (v4.8): UMG UI Inventory | v4.8 | Unreal Engine - YouTube

The link provided goes to the tutorial series overview for the series in your original post. As mentioned, this series appears to deal with creating an inventory and does not appear to cover character behavior. At what point during the series (which video) did you run into the issue you’re experiencing?

i can screen shot my variables, etc

i have variable for health and when its full its 100 but when its 0 i want to make player die?