How can I make my player pawn (chaos) vehicle destructible?

I’ve read through many, many posts, watched lots of videos, searched on google etc. but still can’t figure out a way to make my vehicle explode. I’ve created a fracture geometry collection from the pawn which looks and works great when I add it in the viewport, but can’t figure out how to get that to appear in game. I’m confused about destructible actors because Apex destruction seems to be deprecated so can’t make a destructible mesh and can’t figure out if I can do it that way. There are tons of references to destructible things in the blueprint nodes but can’t find enough information on using them. All my code is set up to hit the player and remove the pawn, all I need is to swap it out with the fractured version. Any ideas? Maybe I’m overlooking something obvious but I’ve tried everything I can think of - casting to geomerty collection, adding geoometry collection component, actor transform, actor spawn etc but just cannot find it. I’m using UE5.1. Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Well typically I worked this out minutes after I posted. For reference I used the Spawn Actor Pawn Geometry Collection node.

That’s a terrible explanation!
I first made a blueprint from the geometery collection, this then showed up in the class section of spawn actor, and from there I could apply force to it.

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Hey! So I am stuck here and could use a little more explanation. Do you happen to have a YouTube video? Because I bet Epic would feature it. Or could you explain more, or even do a zoom call?