How can I make my character Rotate?

I am a Student studied UE4 a week

and I have problems with turning my character while moving

I am developing the top? view game for example such as Diablo3 view

But I am developing my character input

WASD. Not clicking mouse to move.

Here’s the problem

when I push D, my charcater sees right and moves right


when I push A or others. my character still sees right, and moves left(A), Up(W), Down(S)

How can I turn my Character turn only using WASD?

I tried samples in UE4 provides but none of them are not what I think.

Hi Frioniel,

If the Add Movement Input nodes do not achieve what you are looking for, try “Add Yaw Input”.

Still not work :frowning:
Well… I also analyzed the sample provided UE4 but stiil got no idea
what things make my character hold to see only one direction
I think I need to re setup the project.
Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

Can you show me what is occurring vs. what you want to occur? Perhaps I can get a better idea of what would help.

My probelm was when I move my character, my character faces only one direction and not turning. What i want to do is, when i press W, it goes up and watch north or press A and watch west.

Currently I solved this problem watchingwww…com/watch?v=cgY1D9GwEYk∈dex=7&list=PLZlv_N0_O1gb5sdygbSiEU7hb0eomNLdq this video.

Thanks for the comments :slight_smile: