Find Look at Rotation node:
PS: it will turn in all 3 axis.
I am trying to make my character always face another character. How can I achieve this?
Thank you for your fast reply!
It solved my problem, but know I have the next question xD!
I am trying to move in the direction I am facing with WASD!
What exactly do you mean WASD? Strafing and such? Like this
Are you using the third person character template?
Yeah that’s exactly what I meant, but without like unlocking the facing thing like jumping away from him!
Are you using the third person template?
If yes, then you first need to have strafe animations, a 2d blendspace and more.
If no, is your character strafing now?
Only then, you can do what you want.
I only got it to worked in a Level Blueprint, because I think I cant get the Variable for Target to work…