How can I make my 2D Display In First Person to Get it to Positioned Properly?

Hello, I am working on a project that is using 2D and a touch of 3D. It will closely Resemble Delver. Delver on Steam More or less the earlier builds, where it looks more like Minecraft. The goal is to have it Multiplayer as well.

I’ve been following along with a tutorial on how to put something like this together : Part 2 - Weapons | Retro FPS in Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube

And have made a First Person Display Using:

  1. A Canvas Render Target, which size is 426X and 240Y (16:9)

  2. A Widget with an Overlay containing an image and the material for the Canvas Render Target inside of that image.

  3. I then have a Blueprint, which is going to be the base weapon. Within it, I have a Scene Capture Component 2D that has an Orthographic Projection type. The Width of that is 426 to match the Canvas Render Target.

  4. I then have a Source Flipbook for my weapon’s animation and it is a Child of the Scene Capture Component 2D.

  5. Then I have added a Show Only Component for the Scene Capture Component 2D.

  6. In the Base Weapon Blueprint, I went to the Scene Capture Component and Added the Canvas Render Target as the Texture Target.

7.Finally, I added a Child Actor to the Camera of my Player Character and chose the Child Actor Class to be my Base Weapon

The Issue I am Having is that the spacing is off, and I don’t know what I can do about it. What I would like, Is to have the World be full of tiles, each being 1 unit or 100cm. My Sprites Generally Consist of 16x16 pixels, but some are larger (more along the lines of 16x32 or 32x16) But anyways, Here is an Image:

I can only mess with the scale of the Flipbook so much: you can see what I came to conclusion with in the image. If you mess too much with the scale, then the image will get too distorted in proportion. The Way I designed the weapon (arms) was in a 16x16 grid, and there was one empty space on each end of them, and it doesn’t reflect it here.

What exactly would I have to change in order to get it to a proper proportion, In which it Reflects there is only 1 pixel spacing on the edges (Equivalent to the pixels on the arms)???

Would I have to change the Scale of something other than the flipbook?

Greetings @WastedYouth95 ,

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'- Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator


@Get_DOVAH_it Thank you for the help with moving it to a different category. I am new to using these forums and felt lost when selecting a topic. Asset Creation sounds like the correct category to me.

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You’re most welcome, WastedYouth95! I’m more than happy to help! (We all have to start somewhere. You’ll get the hang of it. :wink:)

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