How can I make multiple objects follow a spline without using a timeline?

Essentially what I’m trying to do is create a conveyor belt by using a spline and instancing multiple objects onto it. I’ve followed several tutorials but they all use a timeline that runs off Event Begin Play, which is no good because I need to be able to animate the conveyor belt starting / stopping in the sequencer.

In other words, instead of being simulated it needs to be able to be keyframed by hand.

If anyone can point me toward a tutorial or a method of doing this I would greatly appreciate it. The conveyor belt doesn’t necessarily have to use a spline at all, but I can’t think of a way to do this that doesn’t involve one.

What if you use the Niagara system? You basically add your objects as particles and then set which spline they should follow.
Here is a tutorial I think will be helpful on how to create a particle system / Niagara system along a spline.

Did you ever find a solution to this? Running into the exact same thing needing control in sequencer