How can i make it When player press button, the player jump hight is incrase?

Hello, How can i make it When player press button, the player jump hight is incrase?

If you use a Class Designer Device you can customise many things about how the player moves, To increase jump height you can change the gravity to low, there is also sprinting jump multiplier which lets you set a jump multiplier while sprinting, there is also an option to enable/disable jump speed.

Set the Class Designer to be Class Slot 1, then In Island Settings set the Default Class to be Class Slot 1 then this will enable players to be that class from the start.

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Thank you very very much!

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Actually I just realised those same jump settings are in Island Settings, but I like Class Designers a lot, and Class Designer Settings override Island Settings. Also Iā€™m not sure if gravity in Island Settings affects all AI too, but Class Designers are specific to classed player.

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