Here is my code so far, I need it so my code does not count killing yourself as a kill for # gun game
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
elimination_game_device := class(creative_device):
EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}
# Array of item granters used to grant the weapons
var WeaponItemGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}
# This is set later, this will be equal to the the number of weapon item_granters in the island
var NumberOfEliminationsToWin : int = 0
# Map container to track players progress. This is how to determine which weapon to award to the player
var AgentMap : [agent]int = map{}
#Checking for new players
OnPlayerAdded(InPlayer : player) : void =
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
# Check if the victory condition has been met and return the the result
EliminationNumber = NumberOfEliminationsToWin
return true
return false
#Ending game once player reaches goal
# Check if there is a winner for the game, if not then grant the next weapon
if(PlayerObj := player[Agent]):
if (var CurrentItemNumber:int = AgentMap[Agent]):
if (IsVictoryConditionMet(CurrentItemNumber) = true):
EndGame(Agent) # Game has been won
else: # Game is not over yet
set CurrentItemNumber = CurrentItemNumber + 1
if (ItemGranter := WeaponItemGranters[CurrentItemNumber - 1]):
if (set AgentMap[Agent] = CurrentItemNumber) {}
# Event that handles when a player is eliminated
Print("Player Eliminated")
# Character who was eliminated
Eliminated := Result.EliminatedCharacter
# Character who killed other
Eliminator := Result.EliminatingCharacter
if (FortCharacter := Eliminator? ,EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):
Print("Elimation through if statement")
Print("Player Has Killed Themselves")
# Can use this variable to scale the number of eliminations needed based on how many item granters there are in the experience
set NumberOfEliminationsToWin = WeaponItemGranters.Length
Print("Number of Weapon Item Granters: {WeaponItemGranters.Length}")
# Randomize the order in which the weapons are granted
# set WeaponItemGranters = Shuffle(WeaponItemGranters)
# Get all the players in the experience
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to eliminated event
# Add Players to a Map to track progress
if (set AgentMap[EliminationGamePlayer] = 1) {}
# Grant the first weapon to each player
if (FirstItemGranter:item_granter_device = WeaponItemGranters[0]):