PS3 Hajime No Ippo Playstation3 Japan import review game play video - YouTube Need help with this and might start from scratch so any help would be cool
The part i dont get is there is 2 bars the bar on top goes down, then if you stop taking dmg it regens hp but if u take dmg while regening it clamps the progress bar to the bar on top.
i already have the basic functions working like taking dmg and regening etc but this part idk
What part of that exactly are you trying to create? I could see multiple features in there.
- Basic health meter, decreases as player takes damage
- Recharge level, health regained during rest
- Some link between combo punches that decreases total health but still allows a portion to be regained.
Do you need a health meter exactly like that or do you just want to make a generic “health bar” and need help starting?
Honestly, never made one like that before. I started messing around with it though and I think you can probably do it by using the “overlay” option in the widget/UMG editor. I put 2 progress bars in the overlay. One is the player’s current health, similar to the green bar in the video, the other in the background (red bar) is the player’s “max” health. Set the first bar to have a background image alpha of 0, this way the red bar shows through when the green bar decreases. Set the red bar (the one behind the green bar) to have a black background. So when you decrease it there is a black “image” behind it. I got a very quick prototype working with some super basic logic but I got 2 bars on top of each other. It is late so I haven’t had a chance to give you logic that will work for how to manipulate both bars independently in the exact way you want but I think that is easy enough to do you can probably figure it out. Hope this helps!