If you need to use physics, set constrains for everything but the Z axis.
If physics are not essential, you could simulate the fall with a timeline.
If you need to use physics, set constrains for everything but the Z axis.
If physics are not essential, you could simulate the fall with a timeline.
Ok, this question might have several subquestions but I will be very thankful if you can point me towards the right direction in any of them.
Basically I want to drop an object from a character’s hand vertically along the z-axis. I mean this strictly, even if I am rotating the character while dropping, it should let the item fall in a straight line, not throwing it with an angular force.
I want to drop the lantern that I am holding in the image below.
I would like it to happen along the line trace that is showing here.
I would also like the lantern to be completely perpendicular to the floor while doing this.
Any help in obtaining this result would be appreciated.
I have tried messing around with the constraints options and it doesn’t work. The lantern goes to all sorts of random directions.
I also tried to resolve the problem with a timeline, but I don’t know how to stop the motion on collision with the floor (mainly), specially when that floor is a brush and not a static mesh
There must be something weird with your setup, that’s exactly what constrains are for. You sure the lamp is not still attached to something when you release it? Maybe you’re using a weird physics material and its bouncing too much.
In any case, as it seems the lamp doesn’t need to do anything else other than landing on the floor I think the Timeline approach is way better. So the lamp should not have any physics.
All you need to do is store the start lamp location, trace the floor, store the hit location,
Add a float channel to the timeline (lets call it Alpha)
And then VLerp from Start to End.
And you most definitely should not be using brushes for anything else than prototyping. They use WAY more resources than a static mesh does.
Yeah there’s definitely something off with the attachments in this lantern. Will go for your timeline implementation. Thank you!
no problem! Make sure to mark the answer as accepted