at first : “I’m new at Unreal Engine and game development”
I’m trying to make a simple AI ,that moves (walk) randomly in my little town like what in (“Strong Hold Crusader”) or (“GTA”).
my AI character moves once to a random location and then stop moving.
can anyone make it and post a screen Capture for the BP (Blue Print). since i am using BP. thank you.
sorry for bad English.
Well if you what your A.I. to walk completley random, then id create and Event and three variables.And then when the event starts id use a random number for each of the variables.The first and second variable will be the X and Z direction, and the third variable will be for how long the A.I will be walking for exapmle - for 3 seconds in direction (3, 5).Then when the time expires id just start the sequence again.You’ll need to use a Brach statement if you want this to occur infinitly many times.Like when your timer gets to 0, you just start the Event again.
I gotta say first that im no pro on A.I. and im still new to this myself.
I hope this helps.
thank you " StillEmpty "
i think i didn’t understood your mechanism.
i tried to make a " for loop " with " Move to location " function. like this :
can you help me make this loop work infinity times.