How can I make a simple button animation?

Hi, i have button_up when button is not pressed. and button_down when button is pressed. So i want to make simple animation where (onClick) animation proccess is: button_up > button_down > button_up. Like any other simple button (in almost every application) have animation.

Sorry for my bad english :slight_smile:

Check the free example “BlueprintOffice”, there is a Blueprint called “BP_Security_Screen_Button”

Sorry, i ment button push on HUD

Thank you for your answer,


I’m not sure I understand you correctly: Do you want to draw a button to the HUD and when you press a button change the texture of the button so that it appears to be pressed down?

If I got what you say in the question…button_up and Down is a texture…when you click you want they to change de texture and when you release the mouse button the backk to normal…

1)You need to create a hud blueprint

  1. Create a button :With Texture (using a select node). The select will give you two options based on a bool or int or byte variable data; and a hitbox

  2. Create a event when you click a hitbox…the bool (or int or byte) will change the value…so the select will draw another texture (The Button_down)

  3. Another hitbox event called “release” and if the value of the bool was true…create your actions…

Sorry for my bad english :slight_smile:

Hello, wmbuRn.

If you download the ContentExamples pack from the Marketplace, and then open the level ‘Blueprint_HUD’, the menu (accessed with ‘M’) does just what you ask for. Looking into that might help you out too.



will try that soon enought and will report back. i am allready using selector, but didnt know what to do after it (:

Thats what i was looking for. I know i saw it somewhere but buttons doesnt work in Blueprint_HUD. When i do the same thing in my project they do work.
Thank you