I have the Advanced Steam Sessions in my project and everything is working fine. I just want to add something like a “Ready” system, so for example, you are in a lobby with teammates, and you all have to press “Ready” to start the match. I’m following NiceShadow’s tutorial but this isn’t a part of the tutorial. Here is the tutorial: [ue4] Lobby Menu and Join Game - Advanced Session - Steam Multiplayer #6 [Tutorial] - YouTube
So far, I have this, but nothing happens on the server, so when I press “Ready” everything works except it doesn’t update it for other players.
Yes you can do it in gameinstance. If your clients don’t need the replicated variable you could also do it in gamemmode. Just create an Event which Runs on server. I guess you need to Trigger the Server call from your pawn or Player Controller, Not from ui, but try it
I understand that, but I’m answering this anserhubs in my free time for the Community, so the answers should also be available for everyone who Looks for the question. I can also offer you one-to-one Consulting, but Not for free, sorry
Hey I just figured it out, I know this is kinda late but surely it will help to those devs who are looking for answers on the same question. PS. I am using Steam Advance Session and UE4.24 but it will work for most of all versions from 4.20+
First make a Boolean Var on your LobbyLevelPlayerController. like below
Then on your Lobby Widget By your Button Clicked event make this:
And by the way “Get All actors of Class” is actually the LobbyPlayerController in which you made the Bool Var in and in some case gets all client response to set “IsReady?”.
get a reference of your child widget added to playerlist then make a custom event that has a INPUT pin of player controller object reference, then get ur ISREADY var then bind it to any text box or change color or opacity.