How can I make a prop respawn system using verse?

Long short story, I want to make a system when player will be allowed to destroy a prop (which will give them gold), but this prop will be re-created automatically. In order to do this, I used:

  • A building prop (the object that will be destroyed)
  • A prop manipulator device (for getting events on destruction of my prop)
  • A custom verse device (save the position of my prop at start, then create a new prop at that position when the prop is destroyed)

My problem is that Prop manipulator doesn´t work with spawned props. So, The first time I destroy my prop, it is re-created, but not the second time as the prop manipulator simply ignore my spawned prop.

So, is there a way to make my prop manipulator device working with my spawned prop? Or is there a workaround/another way to do what I want to do?

Thanks in advance

Richytoons has a video on this, just search it up on youtube

Thanks for your reply! However, after searching his whole channel, I didn’t find anything related. Maybe the videos’ name aren’t clear, maybe I’m blind. I’m sorry to ask that, but can you link the video to me please?

You can do this and then hide the prop after a few hits and play an animation with niagara or something along those lines. There are a lot of solutions but there going to take some sort of setup to do with a combination of verse or other device event associations.

Thanks. So, there seems to be no way to really respawn a prop in loop? Taking advantage of the health bar to display progression? In that case, I’ll just make the prop damagable and indescrutible by restoring health on damaged, just as in the video, and then trigger my “”“destructed”“” event (that give an specific amount of gold) when the hit count, stored by my verse machine, exceeds a specific value. A bit of a shame, but it’s better than nothing. Thank you for your time!

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I use a very similar system in one of my maps. All props are able to be farmed, and reset on a trigger - but it is a very unorganized/memory heavy implication.

Place the prop manipulator on the prop, set it to override health - infinite and give it X resources. place a trigger below it and set it to Hide Prop on Resource Depletion, Have a third trigger, this one will be your master respawn prop trigger and you will only need one. Trigger this however youd like, and set it to Show Props on trigger.

If done correctly you should have a farmable prop that can be respawned on command. Each prop will use its own prop manipulator, and its own trigger along with the single master trigger. Once you make one you can copy and paste them, but youll need to copy all three (prop / prop manipulator / hide trigger)

Good luck! As a tip I suggest attaching the prop manip / hide trigger to the prop actor so that you don’t have to click 3 separate items if you want to move anything.

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