How can I make a product assembly showcase?

Hello every one! new unreal user here!

Just like the title says I am trying to make an assembly showcase(something like this but in a game fromat),
Where there would be a in game menu, with a hierarchical tree list that show cases each part of the product and highlighting each section/part when selected.

Next for the actual assembly showcase, I need a play, a pause (and if possible a reverse play) button that would play the animation for the selected part, (and if possible have the camera focus on the selected part while the other parts get hidden.)

I am pretty new to unreal just as I mentioned at the start and have been looking up tutorials and guides and courses for unreal for the past couple of weeks, but I’m quite stuck at how to move forward, So far I’ve learned how to use the sequencer and make animations for meshes and the camera, and how to play a animation sequence with a keyboard button press.

Based on what I have seen so far, I need to use the widget blueprint for the Treelist menu and the buttons I want but not sure how.

So I would like to know:

1-Is it possible to make a Treelist view that highlights selected obj
2-Zooms the camera to the obj and plays animations specific to the highlighted obj, while
hiding all the non-selected parts, when a specific button is pressed
3- Doing that while being part of the level (Not a menu you need to open but part of the level like a panel on a wall), If yes how can I do it? and if no what’s the best alternative?

If you know the answer to my questions and have the time to share it or know a guide/tutorial that does and have the time to share it, I would appreciate the help

But more than that, thank you everyone who spent the time reading my question! I appreciate it.

P.S: I don’t have enough experience to determine if this is something obvious and easy or really hard so please forgive me if its too obvious of a question.

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Did you ever locate any tutorials to assist with your idea? I’ve been looking for tutorials to help me create an assembly of a device as a training module where the user would remove parts and put other parts into something. It’s not a gun but even a gun assembly tutorial would get me going. I can’t find anything beyond just grabbing and dropping things which is easy enough.

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How come we don’t have any tutorials for these kind of simple requests