How can i make a physics base movement like in unity rb.addforce but in unreal engine

i just recently transferred from unity to unreal engine and when i tried to make a movement like in my minigame in unity i have no idea to make a physics base movement in unreal engine 5.1

Is this physics based movement for a single actor (like a character) or for many actors?

For a single actor, you’ll want to inherit that actor from Pawn, and add the main collider shape as the root component, and turn on “simulate physics.” Then Use AddForce/AddTorque on it as you please.

For many actors, you can derive from Actor instead of Pawn, but you have to separately figure out how they get their movement commands (because a single Pawn is possessed by a (Player)Controller but regular Actors aren’t.)

Make sure to turn on “simulate physics” and make the transform “Movable” on the actor and component.

For more about the kinds of modifiers you can add on top of the basic physical movement of a geometry/collider objects, see the docs:

Yes a single pawn/character ill try the tip u send and i hope it works