How can I make a pawn rotate slower/smoother?

I have my controller setup so that I can rotate my pawn left or right exactly 90 degrees. The problem is that is an instant transition, basically flips so fast you don’t see the mesh transition. I need to slow it down, because I want to be able to see the mesh rotating. Not sure what node or combination to try.

you could try using a timeline for the transition. but perhaps using a blendspace would work better.


In your Blueprint for your pawn, you will want to go into your Defaults menu and then uncheck “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”. Then you can set the “Rotation Rate” to change how quickly your character rotates. This will work for rotation by movement, but could you please show exactly how you are rotating the character? If it is a simple “Set Rotation” you may want to use a timeline to Set Rotation using the Update execution as DJMidKnight suggests. Let me know if this helps.


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Thanks for the response! Ok, so here is how I have made it work. It’s actually the roll that I am trying to control. I am super new to blueprints, and coding in general so it may look funny how I went about it, but this is were my experimenting has led me.

I see what you are trying to do now. The A and D events are executing nodes that say “Jump immediately to +/-90 rotation”. So you will want to do something with Axis Mapping A and D to +1 and -1 so that it gives a steady change one degree at a time instead of an immediate 90. Start by setting up [Axis Mapping][1] for the inputs. Then you can use the Axis Event to update Add Roll Input constantly as long as a button is pressed. Here’s an example:

Let me know if this helps!

Thanks! Looks like this should work.

Unchecking “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” already solved my problem on AI pawns rotating with some snaps. Thank you!