Call me a noob but I still don’t know if you can or can’t make the actual meshes you use in games inside unreal. I see a lot of videos about importing meshes but I can’t find anything about making them in unreal apart from the ue4 trailer. I still have a lot to learn about ue4 and appreciate any help.
So unreal has BSP that you can use but they are simple shapes like a cube or sphere. While you can make some simple games with these you must remember that this is a game engine and does not “make models” like other programs such as Maya, 3DsMax, blender, Modo. and cannot rig anything for animation.
It doesn’t make textures like a image manipulation program such as GIMP or Photoshop. So it takes 3rd party programs like what are mentioned to make real usable assets.
Ok thankyou luckily I know how to use blender already so that should make it easier