How can I make a mesh with smooth collisions in 3D?

I am making a mobile game and I currently have an infinitely generated straight slope. I want to add turns to the level but when I import the mesh and try “sledding” down it my character bounces up and down. The collision is rough and I was wondering if there was a way to make it smooth. I tried upping the detail of the mesh, to see if it would help but it just made the bumps smaller. You can see how the character bounces from the trail. I am also using the mesh for a mobile game so the high poly count would not be optimal. Thank you!

I used blender to make the model.

I believe you can use physical wheel suspension to fight this issue link. Also, remember to align the velocity of your vehicle to the plane it’s moving along like in this example.

Thank you so much! I’ll try that. I had really janky movement where I simulated physics on the character but this seems much better.