How can I make a "kill brick"

Hey, I want to make an object that kills the player, if the player touches the object. In Roblox this is called a “kill brick”. I tried to change the mesh of a trigger, but I ran into the problem, that if I damage the mesh of the trigger, it is all good and working, but if the player touches the trigger, I notice that the hitbox doesn’t change if I change the mesh.
I saw in the editor, you can send a hit event if a object collides with anything, so I thought this might be the solusion but I’m a beginner and I have no clue how to do this.
Thanks in advance.

You can simply just use the damage volume device and set it to elimination… turn visibility off and orientate it in whatever prop you want. No need to make it complicated.

I know that, but there is a problem, why I asked this question. If I have a sphere, I can’t just simply use a damage volume device, because the zone of the damage volume device isn’t gonna lay perfectly over the whole object.

You can also make the damage volume in the shape of a cylinder if that better suits your needs. Its at the button of the damage volume settings called ‘zone shape’

I knew someone would say this, I should have given a better example. I want this for any possible object. I mean like complicated shapes, where you can’t just simply place a damage volume device. Also thanks for trying to help.

I saw in the editor, you can send a hit event if a object collides with anything, so I thought this might be the solusion but I’m a beginner and I have no clue how to do this.
Thanks in advance.

Where did you see this feature in the editor? You can send a signal when a player damages a prop, but I do not know of any way to do what you want. However you can still place multiple damage volumes to get your wanted shape.

you can scale and squeeze the damage volume to any size, just make its small and place it in the edges of your props - if you need a large amount just spend some time making 4/5 different ones that have multiple zones in them and copy-paste them. Definitely not the most efficient route, but would achieve your goal without complex verse

The problem why I want this is because I’m making a jump and run and the player should get killed when touching specific objects. I don’t want to place multiple damage volume devices everytime, because I’m making a lot of lvls and this would take up to much space.

I’m not really sure why you wouldn’t duplicate a bunch of damage volumes, as long as the shape is either a cube or a cylinder. If you really do want a custom shape, like a sphere, I’d recommend using a volume device (not a damage volume). It has an inbuilt sphere as an option in the Volume Shape property. You can also use custom shapes, to make completely custom hitboxes, with .Hit events like you know them from Roblox.

Of course this by itself doesn’t kill the player, but you can either damage the player manually in verse with .Damage() - one important thing to note is that the volume devices do not yet work with tags, so you’d have to use @editable which is really annoying in terms of scalability (feel free to vote on the bug fix: Volume devices still don't work with tags.).

Another option is to use the External Volume property on the damage volume and set it to the volume device. This just becomes annoying as you probably want more damage volumes, and you’d have to set up a volume device for each one.