how can i make a distance meter like only up but at the horizotal from a certaine point

I would like to make a distance counter for a map where you have to go as far as possible horizontally

You could use an empty blueprint placed somewhere to act as the “Start” unless you are happy with the 0,0,0 origin. Then the difference between, the X and Y portions of the translation. you should be able to do something like:

#Distance Delta Pseudo Code

#Have a reference by using @editable
PlaceHolderProp : creative_prop = creative_prop{}

#Should probably check this IsValid[] first
PropTranslation := PlaceHolderProp.GetTransform().Translation
PlayerTranslation := FortChar.GetTransform().Translation

#if you don't care that height above Z:0 can effect the distance then
DistanceMeters := Distance(PropTranslation, PlayerTranslation)

#If you do care
ZlessPropTranslation := vector3{X:= PropTranslation.X, Y:= PropTranslation.Y, Z:= 0.0}
ZlessPlayerTranslation := vector3{X:= PlayerTranslation.X, Y:= PlayerTranslation.Y, Z:= 0.0}

DistanceHorizontalMeters := Distance(ZlessPropTranslation, ZlessPlayerTranslation)
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