I want to set a trigger shape in the exact shape as the mesh. When triggered I want a game over.
I also don’t want any collision(that is,if a pawn with a camera attached to it successfully passes through,the camera doesn’t get affected by the static mesh or the trigger box.
I want to know how to make the shape,not how to set-up the blueprint.
The name ‘collision’ is indeed a bit misleading but it’s indeed necessary for overlapping events, too. I also don’t really know why the collision shape completely disappeares if you change the complexity to ‘Use complex collision as simple’ but it is indeed active (now the shape itself is used for collision tests). A better name would be something like ‘Test against mesh itself’ or something.
You could alternatively try to insert a simpliefied collision and then try the new Auto Convex Collision Tool (but don’t change the default settings or the calculation will block your editor forever).
Like I said below, "I can access the drop-down of the collision presets,but I cannot change it. " No matter what I select and click from the presets,it always stays on BlockAllDynamic