How can I load/unload streaming levels for cinematic master sequence?


I’m trying to create a movie where elements of the streaming levels load on top of each other. How can I achieve this effect using the master sequence?

To explain it a little better. Currently I have assets such as rocks, trees, grass, all split across separate streaming level. I would like to make a movie of all these assets appearing one after the other.

Is someone able to offer some guidance?

Thanks in advance,

i don’t think you can animate the loading of streaming levels.
just use a sequence with a delay to make the levels visible with a Get Streaming Level and SET should be visible node.

I understand. Thank you

As long as your LevelStreamingVolumes are setup properly, the level that you are inside of should stream itself once the controlled camera is inside of the Volume.

More information on Level Streaming and how to setup Streaming in and out.

I prefer the grid streaming system called world composition where it automatically takes all levels in a folder and adds them to a grid for you and streams without the use of volumes, mainly used for open world and large scale levels.

Learn more about the World Composition tools here.