How can I listen for anim notify events in Blueprints?

I have a skeletal mesh component within a blueprint class which plays an animation. At some point in the animationSequence, an anim notify event is triggered and I would like to handle it in the blueprint class that called it.

How can I go about listening for anim notify events in the blueprint?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Note: This is not in an anim blueprint - the skeletal mesh is not a pawn, and the bp inherits from a class other than animinstance

You can make anim notify blueprint, add variable of class of your blueprint, get all actors from class and call custom event which you declare in your blueprint.

Also, check this documentation note, it’s really helpfull with anim notifies.


thank you :slight_smile:

a better solution would be to get owner on the mesh component pin and either cast or interface message the result to your class. using get all actors of class is slow and looping through its results doesn’t scale well (think if you had 500 of these actors).