Hi, guys! Currently have a hover car/ship that uses hover components in order to keep itself off the ground and can manoeuvre very well, providing the ground is flat. I have a serious problem with it when it encounters a bump or drives off a cliff in which it begins to barrel roll uncontrollably!
I really need help with implementing some way of limiting the roll of my hover car so the player can simply guide themselves back onto the track without barrel rolling or shooting off into space.
Can you upload a picture of your hover blueprint? I’m also working on a hovering vehicle right now and I can go over bumps and such without it flying into space so I just want to see what the blueprint looks like. It’s most likely something we can do in the force component on the line traces.
I don’t have any examples in UE4 but look for tutorials on PID controllers.
Sure! The hover component BP looks like this [Image][1]