How can I know when new monthly new free marketplace content is available?

Hi, up until now I’ve used to use a little Python script:

                    urls =  [
                    for url in urls:
                        url = url.lower()
                        print(f"url: {url}")
                            # FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr = replit.db["FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr"]
                            FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr = unrealCommunityDb.FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr
                            if FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr == None:
                                raise Exception
                            # replit.db["FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr"] = "None"
                            unrealCommunityDb.FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr = "None"
                            FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr                   = "None"

                        hasEpicPublishedPage = False
                        from urllib import error as urllibError
                                fp: http.client.HTTPResponse = urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(url,headers={'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Microsoft Edge";v="123", "Not:A-Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="123"', 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0', 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none', 'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/'}))

                            except urllibError.HTTPError as exc:
                                print(f"error opening url: {traceback.format_exc()}")
                                mybytes =

                                webpageHtml:str = mybytes.decode("utf8")

                                # print(webpageHtml)
                                if fp.status == 200:
                                    hasEpicPublishedPage = True
                                # print(f"hasEpicPublishedPage: {hasEpicPublishedPage}")
                                # print(f"unrealCommunityDb.FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr: {unrealCommunityDb.FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr}")
                                # print(f"FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr: {FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr}")
                                # print(f"monthAsString: {monthAsString}")
                                # print(f"monthAsString: {yearAs4numbers}") 
                                # print(f"expression: {not (FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr.__contains__(monthAsString) and FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr.__contains__(yearAs4numbers))}")
                        except Exception as exception:
                        # if hasEpicPublishedPage and url != FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr:
                        if hasEpicPublishedPage and not (FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr.__contains__(monthAsString) and FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr.__contains__(str(yearAs4numbers))):
                            unrealCommunityDb.FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr = url
                            # print("mhm2.2")
                            # replit.db["FeaturedMarketplaceContentLastSentURLAsStr"] = url

                            for guild in client.guilds:
                                # print("mhm3")
                                # if'unreal engine'):
                                if True:
                                    # print("mhm4")
                                    announcementsChannel = Helpers.getAnnouncementsChannel(guild)
                                    if not announcementsChannel:
                                    print("Sending monthly free marketplace content msg")
                                    # await Helpers.createAndSendEmbed(f"New featured free marketplace content is now available! {url} @ChannelBot <@978644028599980055>", announcementsChannel)
                                    # await Helpers.createAndSendEmbed(f"<@1004830823465361588> New featured free marketplace content is now available! @ChannelBot <@&990046126851915806>", announcementsChannel, withEmbeddedServerIcon=True, linkUrl=url, title=f"Featured free marketplace content—{monthAsString.capitalize()} {yearAs4numbers}")
                                    await Helpers.sendMessage(f"<@&1004830823465361588> {monthAsString.capitalize()}'s free marketplace content is now available, check it out! {url}", announcementsChannel,supressAllMentions=False)
                                    # await Helpers.createAndSendEmbed(f"<@1004830823465361588> New featured free marketplace content is now available! @ChannelBot <@&990046126851915806>", announcementsChannel, linkUrl=url)
                                    # <@979084167172214814>  @Everything role

(sorry its a little messy, the TLDR is that it makes a guess on what the marketplace URL will be based on the current month and year and then checks if the URL responds with 200 OK - its a copy pasta from a longer script so it will need some modifications if you want to try it for youself).
Since 2 months back however, cloudflare have started responding with HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden ... cf-mitigated: challenge. So it no longer works for figuring out when the new url is available.

Im guessing theres no chance we could get some sort of API for reading the blogposts?

The good old RSS feed at is also down - so I cant seem to use that either

Hi, It’s always the first Tuesday of the month.

Hi thanks :slight_smile: I ping 100s of people every month in a Discord server. I would like to be able to automatically verify the url before I have my bot sending anything.

Ive noticed that the URL schema changes every once in a while.

But I guess I could make it a backup plan to get some community volunteers to do the pings for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nonetheless it just seems odd to me that theres no programmatic way of forwarding Epic Games blogposts?

In case some Epic engineer comes by: its also worth pointing out that your blogposts can also no longer be scanned by services like discord:

It used to be able to fetch the frontpage image & page title/desc like so (stopped working late February or early Mars):