How can I know if a UE - Bug is fixed?

Hello everybody,
some days ago I announced in the Content - Forum a problem with BSP - Meshes and found out, that the Unreal developers know about it.
Now, how can I know if this bug is fixed? Everytime I launch the Editor, Unreal is looking for updates.
Must I download the newest version or will the fixes also be downloaded with the updates of the version I work with?
Maybe someone knows.
Thanks in advance for your friendliness.

You will have to download the update before you get the fixes -> sometimes they release hotfixes and when it’s just a small bug, you will have to wait for a new version :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer

Weeell you could also search through https://github/EpicGames/UnrealEngine if you’re experienced user!

Hi ,
thanks for your answer. I have already taken a look at Github. There I found the UE - Bug number.
And I also have been reading the bug fixes to the different Unreal versions. But nowhere I could find the
UE - Bug number. They say that they have been solving some problems with BSP, but they don’t say which. And I don’t want do download every new version
just to look if the problems are solved or not.