I’m trying to figure out how to do character transformations. My method is to replace the actor with a new one and passing its variables. The only problem right now is that when the possession starts, the camera view is reset to the default location of my camera boom. The default location is facing the back of the character. So for example while facing the front of the character and the transformation ends I would like it to still face the front of the new character but instead it always faces the back. Any advice on how to accomplish this?
The purpose is to change the actor being used… i am trying to make a script that changes the character on button press. and to do that, i have to unposess, and destroy the frst actor being possessed by the controller and spawn a new character and transfer all the first character’s data to the new one… not sure if i explained it correctly.
Method 1: Save all stats of the First Character, spawn second character, apply variables including control rotation, THEN possess
Method 2: Depending on what exactly you are doing it might be enough to disable input switch meshes or if there is limited choices hide / unhide appearances instead forgoing destroy and respawn stuff completly.
i.E.: I once made a little game where big ships would fire torpedos at each other after being “destroyed” ingame I simply locked the actor and hid it from the game, then called a function to reset its stats to a fresh ship move it to a random spawn location and did an unhide.
Yeah, my question was to narrow down these methods. If it’s just a model change then just change the model/visuals. If it requires an entirely new class then you must spawn, copy properties, then destroy the old actor.