How Can I keep my Collision on my Skeletal Mesh if I deactivate simulate physics?

Hi Everyone,

   I am trying to transform from a vehicle to a hover vehicle when the player reaches a max boost.

I have given it controls base off of the UFO blueprint except the pitch since it’s hovering and not flying.
For the movement to work I have to disable simulate Physics and when I do this the collision goes away for the skeletal mesh.

How can i Keep my collision and my movement?

I have tried bringing a static mesh of the vehicle adding it as a component disabling its collision until the player goes into hover mode and then enabling it.
I tried this based on How the UFO is set up.

Is there away of keeping the physics awake and still get the hover type control?

I using four single line traces from each wheel for the Hover float effect.

Please please Help I feel like I have tried everything
