I use a simple method to access another level (map), but when I go to another level, multiplayer is no longer active.
How can I keep multiplayer active while switching to another level?
pressed T key => open level ( by name or obj)
Hey there @ThanVuuong! Welcome to the community! Are you talking about networked multiplayer? If so you would need to send the players over via server travel as the open level node is only used for singleplayer or local multiplayer. A good tutorial would be from this series from Elliot Yun. I also recommend taking a look through this network compendium’s entry on server travel by Cedrik Neukirchen.
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Server travel has to have a space afterwards and then the map path like this.
ServerTravel /Game/Work/WavesTest2
and must be called from the server to be able to move everyone. I slapped together a quick example for you here.
Using the function they had before just remember to have a space at the end of the original pend for servertravel and your command should be recognized.
Let me know how it goes!
I have a basic method, but it still doesn’t progress to the next level; sometimes it crashes, sometimes it resets the view angle, but it never moves to the next level.
I’ve created ServerTravel successfully, but that’s not what I’m looking for.
I’m implementing multiplayer on multiple maps, and when players arrive to that map, they’ll encounter other people on that map. Players may freely move to the map of their choice without being bound by the server.
So server travel is kind of universal, you can send one or all of the players if you’d like, it’s not just for maps, but also game sessions. What you need to work with however is making sessions and handling them. Most tutorials I’ve come across for this are kind of more based on making “Matches” and not so much persistent sessions. I’ve got a tutorial series for you, however it’s more based on round based games, so you’d have to adapt the code to your use case of persistent sessions.
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One for persistent (MMO style)