How can I keep a material tiled on differently sized instanced static meshes?

I have a game with levels that are generated from InstancedStaticMeshes. They generate at different sizes so make up the different sized walls. How can I make sure a texture is not stretched out on walls that are longer? I want to set the tiling parameters on each wall to its scale but I’m not sure how to do this because the static meshes are instanced. I cannot use a world aligned texture because I want to quixel materials.

Hi BatYaggy,

Check out CustomPrimitiveData - you can set variables for each instance - like floats for UV scales…

Use a world aligned material

I’m can’t use a world aligned texture because I want to use quixel materials.

You can make your own WA material ( I can show you ), and then use MS textures in it. That’s what I do :wink:

Ty. I ended editing the basic MS material with the basic world aligned texture nodes (but without fading) so I was able to keep the whole material.

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