How can I integrate the Windows mapcontrol class in UE4?


I’ve found this UWP sample for the mapcontrol:

I would like to integrate the cpp part of the code to a UE4 project, how should I start?
My ultimate goal is to display the 3d bing maps in a UE4 project.

Here is another link about the windows mapcontrol:


Hi! @sebmoorea

Example MapControl contains C++ UWP code.

You need to use fork of ue4 from Microsoft github repository,

but the latest supported version is 4.19.2

For more information read this thread:

AS @Andrew2015 mentioned above, the UWP fork of UE4 has not been recently updated and I imagine achieving what you’re describing won’t be an easy task. You can consider using a Web Browser component instead and loading the Bing maps website (although you’ll need to test its performance and see if it’s acceptable). There’s also a Google Maps View plugin on the marketplace (not free and works with Google Maps only). Hope that helps!

Hi Andrew2015,

Thank you for your reply, so Unreal is not going to continue with the UWP? Because I would like to use UE4.24. It would be great for Unreal to have some photogrammetry world map feature like in Unity.
Here is a link to Unity’s Bing 3d sdk:

I understand that Unity is from Microsoft, but there are only a few actors offering the Photogrammetry 3d maps:
to my knowledge Apple’s mapkit, and “Microsoft bing”.

Thank you m__foda for your feedback,
I know it’s a big project. But I worked already a lot with gis in Unreal. It’s no big deal to have a 2d map like google maps in Unreal, and even show it in 3d. But the access to 3d photogrammetric maps is quiet difficult. So anyone who knows other data provider, it would be nice to know about.
