I want to use functions inside Editor folder for my project. More specifically, the files I want to use is SequenceRecorder.h which is inside Source/Editor/SequenceRecorder/Private. I add new functions inside SequenceRecorderBlueprintLibrary and the new functions work fine inside Unreal Editor. However, I get Accessed None error when launching the game package. It seems that codes and functions inside Editor/SequenceRecorder folder are not packaged by Unreal packaging system.
Are there ways to include files in SequenceRecorder folder during packaging?
You cannot, and you’re not supposed to. It’s against the current EULA to package Editor code with games. SequenceRecorder in particular is an Editor feature that depends on a number of other Editor modules. You cannot use it in your game, sorry.
It’s sad to know that. Does Epic have any plans on developing Sequence Recorder for games? Does Epic plan on enabling this feature for game?
I don’t know the answer - I’ll forward your question. What exactly are you trying to achieve in your game?
I am trying to use the similar functionality of sequence recorder inside the game. I want to let the users record custom animation driven by VR inputs and see then be able to see the animation they created, after they stop recording – all within the same ‘game’ session.
We currently don’t have any plans to add sequence or animation recording functionality to the runtime, which is what would be needed to allow for this to happen within the bounds of the EULA.
It should be possible to build and use a recorded animation at runtime as long as you are not wanting to use the compression schemes (as the compressors are editor-only), however you would have to roll your own code to do this.
Thank you Tom for answering the question! Getting answers from Epic is really helpful for my project.