How can I improve my lighting?

Hi guys I have recently created a bedroom interior in UE4 and would appreciate some feedback on how I could improve my lighting. I have attached some images below. I already received some advice on doing a lighting setup similar to this I have my exterior lights bouncing off editor planes so that they are only contributing bounced lighting into the room but with my settings the windows area is far too blown out and I dont have any sharp shadows. Could you guys give me some advice on how I could improve the lighting in my scene. I have my settings included in the images linked here.
Thanks for any help you can offer

That’s a pretty old method to light your scene that really isn’t used very much anymore. A skylight will do the trick for you, and directional light if required. There’s lots of great info towards the end of this thread (I do recommend reading the entire thing though):

Another blog by Raghu explaining how to use HDRI’s:

Thanks James! Ive just started from the beginning with the thread. Gonna put on a pot of coffee for this read