Have you tried exporting the FBX File of the HeroTPP?
Rightclick → Export
Have you tried exporting the FBX File of the HeroTPP?
Rightclick → Export
Hi all,
I would like to know how to import the ue4 skeletons into Blender in order to use them with my own meshes.
I tried following that tutorial:
But I got this error
The pluggin needs to be used with Blender 2.70.
Also, I had to export HeroTPP instead of HeroTPP_Skeleton.
Thank you eXi
Yeah, that’s why i asked if you tried the normal HeroTPP FBX first.
Glad you solved it.
were you able to get the bones rotated in the right direction? can you import animations into blender?
i have been waiting for updates to this:
but it seems like development stopped a while ago.
Alas no. Now I am trying to reimport the HeroTPP without changes, but it destoys the skelettal mesh. It seems Epic has donated money to Blender Foundation in order to make a stable FBX exporter, but for now it simply doesn’t exist.
As long as I now today it’s imposible to import eu4’s animations into Blender.