How can i import numbers from outside UE4 in real time?

I hope that blueprint scripting is the right place for this question.

Basically, I need to be able to take numbers generated outside of unreal, via a spreadsheet, word doc, anything, and get them into unreal blueprints and display on the hud in real time as they change. They have to be able to change in real time though.

Is there any process for doing such an action?

Many thanks in advance, I cannot find any info on this whatsoever.

I can’t help with the real time aspect but the documentation does mention importing a .CSV file, which can be created in Excel.

Don’t think there’s any solutions for this with just stock blueprints I’m sorry to say. You’ll probably need to get your hands dirty and write a few c++ functions to expose to blueprints. Something like:

//Inside your .h file

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "File")
     static bool SaveStringToFile(FString FileName, FString Text);
 UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "File")
     static bool LoadFileToString(FString FileName, FString& Text);

//Inside your .cpp file

bool NameOfYourClass::SaveStringToFile(FString FileName, FString Text)
     return FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(Text, *(FPaths::GameDir() + FileName));
 bool NameOfYourClass::FileLoadString(FString FileName, FString& Text)
     return FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(Text, *(FPaths::GameDir() + FileName));

This will look for your file in the same directory as you .uproject file and read/write depending on which function you call.

The LE File Manager plugin on the market place has some cool features for file system interaction in blueprint. Also the native CSV capabilities of UE would be helpful but a bit limited.