I have a skeletal mesh named MAN. When I import MAN into UE4 from blender he comes with the skeleton and animations and everything else which is expected. My problem comes from when MAN gets new animations, I can’t just re-import with the same fbx name since it asks me to overwrite and whether or not I say yes, nothing happens. Someone else suggested exporting the FBX with the new animations as MAN_Anim so that it won’t ask for an overwrite. This works except that it creates new skeletal meshes and physics objects. It also means that I’m looking at animations named “MAN_Anim_Anim_MAN_fists_left_0” which is excessive. Has anyone else encountered a problem like this? All I want is to easily import new animations as they’re made without having animation names the length of sentences. For reference, the name of the animations inside the blender file is always something like fists_left_0. So I’d expect the animation names to be “Anim_Man_fists_left_0”
Is there a way for me to set up what the animations are named?